Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happiness comes from within

We all search to find the things in life that makes us happy. Happiness comes from within if you can't be happy with oneself how do you expect for someone to come along and make you happy. Do you know the definition of happy for you. Is it a lot of affection or a walk in the park. Whatever it maybe you can make these things happen for yourself. Cause when no one is there to fulfill or fill  that gap where those that leave you. Don't leave your happiness up to someone else, that's where you set your self up for a whole lot of disappointments. Don't allow any one to hang you out on the ledge looking for a hand to hold or a hand up.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Don't destroy your fruits

Trying to understand how can someone want and try to build a relationship with all there ex-s children and unable to contain a relationship with their own kids. Being a parent doesn't end it's a full-time job no matter your situation. If you haven't been there to your kids don't assume that you are just going to walk back in and just pick up the pieces. Those kids will have some sort of animosity towards you. The small ones might night say much, but believe it they are watching. The older ones are going to challenge your authority. They want answers and they want apologizes don't point any fingers at the parent that has been around either, because even if that parent wasn't the best parent you don't hold any brownie stripes. You don't need to be there friends, but if they are grown and they try to build a relationship with them you be a dad or a mom. Offer up advice and give them support or you will be alone in the end.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Keep it moving

It really pisses me of when I'm driving and someone decides I'm driving to slow and they decide to pass me. So they end up passing and going in front to do what slow down Hmmm.. how do you pass someone and then slow down when you pass. If your in a rush to go then go way in front and keep speeding ahead. What was the purpose of passing in the first place. If you find that the person who was causing you to decrease your speed go around and let me not be able to see your license plate, because I'm going to come right back up and pass you if you come back in front of me.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tell the truth

I try to figure out why people just can't tell the truth. Is it really so hard to just admit your wrong or just say you are right. I would prefer to here the truth than to be lied to and taking for a fool. If you can open up your mouth to speak let it be truth. Don't tell a lie to make yourself look better, at the end of the day you are only lying to self. As grown up we instill in our kids to speak the truth even if it means that you are going to get in trouble. So as adults we should do as we say. Be the example of the kids believe it or not the kids do pay attention more to what we do than what we say. So when we decide to speak let the truth be told. Is it easier to lie than to tell the truth?

Happy Birthday

My son made Birthday this week the last of my babies. He made 9 and he was so excited. Last week he stated that since he was making 9 in 6 more days we should just say he's 9. I think he is so adorable. I look at my kids and remember were I came from with them. The days we spent walking to catch the bus in the cold along with the train. We will sit down and talk about when they grow up and graduation. Oh my how time flies. So know it's the last one and I look at him how I looked at them with admiration in my heart knowing that he too will be grown soon and gone. So when he got up on his Earthday. I said so how does it feel to be 9 no " he said no different I just can't wait to be 10" I LOL and said can we atleast get threw 9 first.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Can we all just get along!!!

I don't understand how we can get together to enjoy Holidays and the Super Bowl, but we can't stay together come together on a daily basis. Why do we feel the only time we can be in each other's company is when it's an entertaining event. We seem to get along just fine sitting down shouting and cheering for your teams. Or when we go and cook or eat. I think that however we go about putting all the pettiness aside for these events we should do that all the time. Or maybe the people that we invite and have a good time with for the moment are the people we should have in our corner at least three days out of the week with that great team spirit. We can all be better to one another Christmas was every day and Super Bowl was every weekend.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Don't rush growing up

It's funny how kids want to be grown in there parents house and can't wait to leave, because they seem to forget we was small at one time too. I so laugh when I here my kids and they're friends stay and say they are going to do so many things not realizing that life hits you just the minute you decide to be grown.
As the old people say you want to be grown when grown things start to happen don't call me. I laugh because I too remember wanting to grow up and be on my own and do my own stuff. Because Mom and Dad was just to hard and always want to dictate my goings and my comings. Then I realize how good I had it not having to pay any bills and spend my money how I wanted too and on what I wanted to.
Kids don't no how good we have it when we are small until life hits us. When you aren't the parents you have no worry or stress. Growing up happens and then boom life happens..